[Résolu] Molette pour angles


Je suis débutant et me lance dans la création de jeux …

Je suis sur un jeu type “tour par tour” et aimerais savoir comment faire pour assigner avec la molette de la souris 4 choix d’angles différents (-90,-180,90,180). j’ai tenté plusieurs méthodes mais rien de probant .
merci de m’éclairer ou de mettre sur une piste.

I don’t speak french, but maybe this is what you’re trying?

Thanks Zutty,
I am not very comfortable with English …
I had tried this method but without success since I would like to have 4 possibilities. Use the dial to choose between (-90, -180.90 and 180 °) …
Thanks again for your help;)

I think you should be more specific.
You wnat to use the mouse wheel to choose an angle?
I don’t get it!

YES That’s exactly it, I would like to be able to select one of these 4 angles with the mouse wheel

A big thank-you ! I made a mistake with my variables it works fine!