How to make Start Screen in GDevelop 5

Hi Guys, here is another tutorial. In this one, I’m showing how to create Start Screen and start the game by pressing any key on the keyboard. I hope it helps!


Thank you for this new little tutorial, this is useful when someone want include video or audio in game, because there are some external limitation and create a Start Screen is the solution for use correctly video and audio.

Like in video object on wiki we have this important note :

Before a video can be played, you have to ensure that the player interacted first with your game (a simple click/touch on the screen is ok to allow to play videos)

And same important note for audio.


Thank you, I followed this tutorial and everything is working as I would like. The game I’m running runs at 800x600 resolution, I relied on the basic platform game on GDevelop. The problem I’m experiencing is on the splash screen that doesn’t center in full screen. The game on the other hand works perfectly, what can I change? Thank you!

Hi, great tutorial :star_struck:. You could move it to the general section as "“How do I…?” is for asking doubts