Enhancement to the "Update resolution during game to fit the screen or window size" option

Kudos to all involved with the new update resolution and update window size features in 5.0.0-beta84 release.

One of the things I noticed, however, is that the “Update resolution during game” option basically overrides the “Game resolution resize mode” setting.

General info:

  1. My game is normally 1280x720 (16:9)
  2. Within the Game Properties, in the “Game Resolution Resize (fullscreen or window)” settings, I select “Change width to fit the screen or window size”.
  3. I check “Update resolution during the game to fit the screen or window size”
  4. I launch the game and squish the window to 4:3.

What I would expect to happen:

  • The game adjusts the resolution, but keeps the 16:9 ratio, using the game width as the identifier. Black bars are added to top/bottom.

What actually happens:

  • The game changes the resolution and aspect ratio, so all objects get moved around, as if the “Game Resolution Resize” setting was not selected at all.

Would it be possible to have the checkbox respect the other setting? or have another option added to enable that style of behavior?

I can accomplish what I expect to happen by not using the checkbox and instead changing resolutions using events, but it’d be nicer to use the native functionality that was added.

Thanks for your time on this.