UserHomePath() not fixed in beta 101 [Bug report + Workaround]

I don’t know why the last beta 101 mentions that the FileSystem::UserHomePath() function is fixed since the only correction made seems to be a typo removal.

The first version of the extension that @arthuro555 developed worked fine on my computer, which is why my current workaround is to manually edit my install of Gdevelop so that I have all the new components of the last beta, but I keep the original UserHomePath function.

I do that by editing the two files here :


And replacing the new code for the extension by the old one, available here.

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Thanks for the detailed report.
The surrounding single quotes were replaced by double quotes, which may be the issue here.
@Bouh Can you check it?

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@Gruk @Bouh
I’ve just tried replacing "User's Home folder" with 'User\'s Home folder' but it doesn’t work either. I think I’ll stay with the original code which works just well.

The real fix is this line: Make multiple fixes and improvements to FileSystem · 4ian/GDevelop@8cd1ea6 · GitHub

Changing quotes won’t solve the issue, it’s a missing parameter runtimeScene in the function that was the issue.

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