Summoner, my first game

Hey all. I’ve spent the last five months working on this project, and I’m finally at the point where I’m ready for it to slowly start seeing the light of day. Ha. It’s called Summoner, and will be playable on (for now) Windows and Android. It’s a top down, twin stick shooter and my goal was to make something along the lines of Doom meets Hotline Miami.
I’m planning on uploading a demo/beta to by this weekend. I spent today putting together a trailer, but I still have the music to finish, so I’ll have it uploaded on YouTube tomorrow. Hopefully. In the meantime, I’m posting some gifs from the trailer below.
Now onto the main reason for this post, I want to thank everyone in this wonderful community for all the help and support you all provide. I’ve spent hours on this forum learning new things and watched tons of quality devlogs and tutorials on YouTube from you guys that have helped me build the confidence I needed to hammer this thing out. Gdevelop is fantastic tool for for a total newbie like me, and I honestly can’t believe that it’s free. So, thank you @4ian and all the others that help keep Gdevelop up to date and full of new features, you all are truly amazing. Much love, Ben

Oh and here are the gifs