[Solved] Only Shows Black Screen After Export

This error basically means that your browser is unable to establish internet connection to the host. The primary reason for getting this error is because your computer itself is not connected to the internet. This particular error message err_internet_disconnected belongs to Google Chrome and there are various reasons leading to this error, includes computer issue, or web server issue or Network setting , Internet connections, etc. It doesn’t matter, you can take the appropriate solution to fix it. The following article can gives you some specific advice to solve this issue.

  • Try a different web browser
  • Check your cables
  • Check your WiFi connection
  • Check Your LAN Settings
  • Delete WLAN Profiles
  • Disable Antivirus and Firewall
  • Restart Your Router

Did you solve it?..i m getting same issue…however i get gdevlop loading screen…after that the screen gets black…and even i tried it with just one sprite…bt didn’t work…demo project works fine after export