[Solved] How to import sprites via the gdevelop browser version

I’m learning to program via the browser version on my cell phone because I don’t have a computer yet, more than using my own sprites, but it says it’s not possible to import images directly from the library without downloading the computer version, there is some way around it that?

As it told you, no, it isn’t.

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Support for the web version will improve over time.
The developers know that this is not yet possible, they are on other things currently.

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I did some tests I added an object and looked for that object directly in the json code and there I changed the character’s sprite by changing the url link of the image I wanted and I also did it in the resorce and it worked

I do not know if it is right to do this, but I would like to know if you have at least one idea of ​​implementing this on the web version, in a simple way where we would select the image in the gallery and it would be added, and of course wait for the web version having an image editor is just crazy but it could have a system similar to that of construct 3