[Solved] Puzzle // fix the piece in place

Why not fix the piece in place?
Although it has been determined X , Y

Here I made a tutorial for you is uploading to YouTube right now, you can get the code here

Edit: here
Part 1

Part 2

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Thank you very much for the beautiful explanation
I wish you a happy and healthy life (^_^)

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hello genius :hugs:
I want every piece of obj_puzzle_holder
differ in the position of x, y
And don’t be on top of each other
Is each piece x,y different?
At the start of the game ? :thinking:

You can do this by adding some randomness at the begin of the scene or when you crate the obj_puzzle_holder and add position X/Y = RandomInRange(32,600) just replace 32 and 600 for the numbers that fits your needs.

Doing this will create the obj_puzzle_holder in different random positions.

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thank you for your reply :blush: