Online Editor on iPad

Hey guys! Just joined the forums after weeks of lurking! Impressed, to say the least, of the general behaviour of people around here. :grin:

As the title says I’m a bit interested in knowing how the online editor works on an iPad. I’m at a crossroad of buying either the macbook air with the m1 chip, or the new ipad pro m1. I do enjoy iOS and the ease of use when drawing etc, but if the online editor isnt capable enough I’ll go for the mac. I find very little info online about the editor in general.

Do any of you have pros and cons or some general experience using an iPad or the online editor? :slight_smile:

Keep in mind that it’s not really viewed as the “Online Editor” and more like “Online Demo”.

Currently, the web demo version of GDevelop is not fully featured compared to the desktop version. This is because of browser limitations and what is possible currently, rather than any desire to limit it.

Things you cannot do directly in the new editor: Upload new assets directly (There’s a workaround, somewhat, mentioned below), use the Piskel art editor, use the sound editor, use Yarnspinner/Yarn for Dialogue, use the debugger, or save your project locally (you can still save to google drive if you sign in)

Due to browser limitations, the web demo can’t launch the integrated apps that aren’t natively part of the engine, such as Piskel, JFXR, Yarnspinner, etc. Likewise the debugger cannot see the app preview as it’s a different browser window, so it cannot monitor data.

Uploading assets directly is not supported, and the only workaround would be to use the main engine on a desktop install, add all of your assets to a project, save the project locally, then upload the entire folder to google drive.

Saving to google drive is also the only way to save online edits, outside of downloading the project when you’re done (a zip file will be generated at that time), but then you’ll have to reupload to google drive to open it.

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If I understand correctly: The online demo is fully capable on an ipad pro, but I am limited to the built in features such as Piskel etc, and I would have to save my projects to google drive. Is this correct?

Its then possible to continue on my projects as well by using google drive?

Appreciate the quick response! @Silver-Streak :slight_smile:

Just to clarify, you are restricted from using built in features such as PIskel, they will not work/be available on the web demo. So you cannot create new assets within the web demo itself.


@Silver-Streak I think like what coder did to vscode there is still chance at least to have a self hosting version of gdevelop that can be installed on a VPS for personal use, is there any chance for it? I couldn’t find any card for it in the roadmap, and I posted this information in related posts hoping this will be seen, I agree that expecting a full featured free cloud hosted by GDevelop is not affordable, but an installable server edition package for self hosting will solve all problems, I think and we will be able to use the GDevelop everywhere and on every devices without being forced to install anything

As far as I understand, there are physical limitations to browser based systems, it is not a matter of hosting your own version of it or not. So even if you had your own instance self-hosted, it would have the exact same restrictions.

I’m not an engine dev, though, so you might wait to see if anyone else can chime in.

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I have answered on Trello why this just isn’t worth it: Trello

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@Silver-Streak Thank you for your reply and sorry for other posts you’ve mentioned on other topics, I deleted them :pray:

@arthuro555 I just read your answer and technically speaking I think you’re right it’s possible but it isn’t worth it, hope to see ios edition soon ofcourse with great support from the community.

again thank you guys for your answers

Yeah unfortunately as said before piskel wont work on the ipads browser (as i have used gdevolop web on my ipad) currently though it works on android perfectly fine (aside from some constrictins from the phones small screen)