My Skyrimlike A-RPG collecting thread

I do this Topic to sort out what i want and how i have done it, will do it, or get help in doing so.
It will also help me to keep an overview and a storage place for later use (sitting in sweden atm, far away from home :grin:).
It could also help or inspire other people who want to archieve something similar.
If you have a better idea, or a more efficient way to archieve what i am doing, please let me know.

I want the player to choose race, sex and even costumize the char. Imagine the player having something like this:

The World (WIP)


Its my first time doing Pixel Art in TopDown stile. Much harder to pull off, then i thought it would be.
Male%20Walk Male%20Run Male%20Jump1

Chapter 1 Movement (outdated).True Dopdown movement up. Left/right Turns Camera, Down is going backwards

8-Direction Movement.
The Basics:

Maybe some random Idle animations if staying idle for longer


walking :stuck_out_tongue: not much to add here


Will enable run attacks.


Is supposed to make the player harder to detect, enter small tunnellike areas and enable sneak attacks.
Some Issuses regarding multible button pressing. Nothing hard to fix. Will be finalized, when i have the full button layout.


Working with variables. My concern atm, as i am testing this, is that my ZHeight barriers are not big enough to stop the player from just running throu them. but if i make them bigger it will not make a realistic collusion environment and look stupid :frowning:
slowing the player down would be a sad solution.

Chapter 2 Items

The Bow

Still WIP, as everything else. 1 annoying issue is, that i instantly shoot the arrow, that i just picked up. maybe i create a pickup button, different from the shoot button, would solve it, but i dont really like that solution.

Chapter 3 UI

Apart from the common Health/Magic/Stamina, i also want to implement food and drinks.
Also a Hypothermia meter ala Cheskos Frostfall would be cool. with weather protection stats for equipment.
As for Stealth, i dont know yet, if i want a meter for it or have it hidden and let the player guessing. I want 2 stealth parameters, visibillity and audibillity

Chapter 4 Inventory

I have to say, i am pretty satisfied how this turned out.

This is how i am using the inventory atm. i am uncertain on how i will manage the autopositions of the icons in the lower menu. likely something with variables + -

E: I got a solution, extracted as functions.

Chapter 5 Skilltree


Still working on the interface.
Skills i want to include are:
talk your way out of danger and into pleassure.
Archery/Forest stalker:
Fletching arrows/animals are friendly/sniper skill
Medicine, antidotes, potions, poisons
a minigame for smithing would be awesome.

Chapter 6 Perktree

Does not work at the current state. It was working at some point, but when i try to save some space via sub-events, something got broken.


Stealth branch 1: Sound
LVL5: Muffled
Perk1 (Sneak/2) Perk2 (Sneak/2)
LVL10: Silent
Perk1 (Sneak/2) Perk2 (Walk/2)
LVL20: Like a cat
Perk1 (Sneak Soundless) Perk2 (Walk/2)
LVL30: Ninja
Perk1 (Walk Soundless) Perk2 (Run/2)
LVL50: Ghost
Perk1 (Run/2) Perk2 (Soundless Movement)

Stealth branch 2: Visibillity
LVL5: Camuflage
Perk1 (Sneak/2) Perk2 (Sneak/2)
LVL10: Shadowwalker
Perk1 (Visibillity/2 in Shadow) Perk2 (Visibillity/2 in Shadow)
Perk1 Perk2
Perk1 Perk2
Perk1 Perk2

Stealth branch 3: Thief
LVL5: Force break
Perk1 (Smash wooden Door/Chest) Perk2 (Tool break)
LVL10: Lockpicking
Perk1 (more audio clues) Perk2 (Raking)
LVL20: Thief
Perk1 (Pickpocket) Perk2 (Lockinside visable)
Perk1 Perk2
LVL50: Trickster
Perk1 (Pocket++) Perk2 (Pick equiped)

Alchemy branch 1:Potions
LVL5: Brewer
Perk1 (Alkehol/Medecine+) Perk2 (Health/Stamina potions)
LVL10: Extracter
Perk1 (Stamina+ potions) Perk2 (Mana Potion)
LVL20: Tinkture
Perk1 (Health+ potions) Perk2 (Mana+ Potion)
LVL30: Concentrate
Perk1 (Max Stamina/Health potions) Perk2 (Max Mana Potions)
LVL50: Pure Essence (5min Timeduration)
Perk1 (Endless Stamina Potion) P2 (Endless Mana Potion)

Alchemy branch 2:Poisons

About Enemy AI

I cannot even get the animations going. somehow bathfinding behavior seems to have only 180 degree angles, instead of 360
interesting combat is going to be far in the future

E: Wolfpack Behavior:

Still needs a reasonable solution for animations

I Try to update it from time to time.
If anybody want to offer some help, it would be very appreciated.

The Project to download (Outdated):

Be avare that it is faaar off of ready and not cleand up yet.

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I am working on a pretty good solution for jumping. the answer to most problems are layers.
Ground layer, Zheight 1, Zheight 2, and so on. when a certain zheight is reached, the player is switching the layer. also works well, cause you can go “behind” objects (lower Z order) and on top of them (higher Z order), without using further events to do so.
that way, the ground layer is all solid, and not easy to clip through. now i have to come up with a believable “drop off”. Using timer, when not in collusion with a higher Z-ground anymore does not work that well.
I will upload an example, when i am finished with it.

Major step forward! I managed to get the custom functions for my inventory working :smiley:
Now i have to figure out, if i can inject those functions into a behavior for Items.

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While i am working on my alchemy system i noticed,that i may dismiss the idea of perk system.
I want my game mostly based on the skill of the player, instead of the character.
Means, if the player knows how to make a certain potion, he/she should be able to do so.
The thought of beeing able to craft endless mana potions from the getgo seems overporered, but i can ballance this by making the ingridients later/Harder to obtain.
I may even skip the idea of item names alltogether, so the player actually has to remember the plants and ther effects (or have a herbal book in Inventory to recite).
Or let the Player name the plants/items/Potions themself. Selfcrafted potions propably gonna be named by player (or just no names at all)
It makes sence. imagine you find a ring, dropped in the streets somewhere. how do i know,its magic, and if, how do i know the effect? The answer should be throu experience, testing, observing.
I want the player learn, not the character. Or you go to a NPC who has expertise on that topic.
But for the porpuse of realism, i need to display stuff,that the character should know due to sences, like weight, taste, sharpness of weapons etc. Trades related to knowlage should be obtained by the Player and physical trades obtained by the character.
I am likely to not even show a healthbar for enemys, but use different animations to show, that there wounded.
No questbook, but an empty Notebook, where the Player can type in whatever they want and write down, what they think they need to remember.
No NPC name display. Remember the name, if someone told it, or ask the NPC.
No quest marker. remember, or write down the description of location.
Navigation on the map is gonna be Map only. Maps are gonna be a semi common item, multible obtainable. And the Player can mark on them,write on them themself. I want to place lots of roadsigns tho, if the player travels on streets and paths, navigation should not be hard. But getting lost in a deep forest is an experience i want to offer.
When i tackle it that way, the game will become a true explorer adventure, leaving the player somewhat disorientated, guidance offered throu NPCs and Books.

Most Games these days treat the Player like a 10 years old with close to zero attention span. I dont want to reach the broadest audience,i want to satisfy core Roleplay Gamers.

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I am redoing things now. I decided to make it a true topDown game and rotate the world around the player. Main reason is, that i want to implement compass+Map navigation and increase the chance to get lost.
Looks not nearly as nice, but i also have alot less pixelwork to do :stuck_out_tongue:
Oh, and jumping will be a peace of cake now.

I saw a vid, where devs create landsscapes via value noise.
With that in mind,i created my magical Forest

or should i say GD5 does it for me :smiley:

Interesting project.
I can see you share the actual project file and you are looking for contributors.
If you want to make the project open-source and open for contribution I would recommend to host it on GitHub instead of this forum. It could simplify contribution.

Anyhow I recommend to use at least a different file sharing instead of what you using now.

I like this one for fast file sharing

There are many other and better free options out there than the one you are currently using like DropBox, GoogleDrive, OneDrive, FirefoxShare but I find GoFile pretty good and reliable.

Thanks for your intput.
I use Sabrecat because i do not want to have a google account and i want so save the files for, well, basicly a lifetime.
Gofile does not mention, how long the files are saved.

But if you share something we are limited to 50Kb/s download unless we pay a subscription fee, your 7MB project was coming down in 2 minutes :disappointed_relieved:

If you don’t want GoogleDrive there is still many better options out there including GitHub which would be the best if you want to make this an open-source project.

They write this in the FAQ:

Your uploads remain accessible indefinitely as long as they are active.
If an upload is < 100Mo and inactive for 30 days, then it is deleted.
If an upload is > 100Mo and inactive for 7 days, then it is deleted.
A simple visit resets the counter.

If you want to store files permanently and don’t worry about it being deleted and you don’t want to create any Google or Microsoft account then there is GitHub, Mega and Dropbox for example.
I mean if you want to store the files permanently and have full control over the file to choose who you want to share it with you have to have an account somewhere :thinking:

But it is your call. I wish you good luck :+1:

I see. That is a problem, especially later on.
I will go GitHub aswell.