[Javascript] Gdevelop Splash Screen Delay

Hi to whoever is reading,
is there a way to make the Gdevelop splash screen stay longer on screen instead of just appear for like 0.2 seconds and then disappear when you have a quick loading game? Because now when i export my game and play it on phone the splash screen just flash by very quickly, people can’t even read the text.

I know it needs to add a few lines of code to the loadingscreen-pixi-renderer.js file, I searched on the internet and people say that I need to add some sort of delay code to the file, but i don’t know how.
Can someone help me?
Also is there a way to maybe add a fade in and fade out to the splashscreen?

any help would be highly appreciated :pray:

Code that’s in the loadingscreen-pixi-renderer.js file

gdjs.LoadingScreenPixiRenderer = function(runtimeGamePixiRenderer, loadingScreenSetup) {
  this._pixiRenderer = runtimeGamePixiRenderer.getPIXIRenderer();
  if (!this._pixiRenderer) {
    // A PIXI Renderer can be missing during tests, when creating a runtime game
    // without a canvas.

  this._loadingScreen = new PIXI.Container();

  this._progressText = new PIXI.Text(' ', {
    fontSize: '30px',
    fontFamily: 'Arial',
    fill: '#FFFFFF',
    align: 'center',

  if (loadingScreenSetup && loadingScreenSetup.showGDevelopSplash) {
    this._madeWithText = new PIXI.Text('Made with', {
      fontSize: '30px',
      fontFamily: 'Arial',
      fill: '#FFFFFF',
      align: 'center',
    this._madeWithText.position.y = this._pixiRenderer.height / 2 - 130;
    this._websiteText = new PIXI.Text('gdevelop-app.com', {
      fontSize: '30px',
      fontFamily: 'Arial',
      fill: '#FFFFFF',
      align: 'center',
    this._websiteText.position.y = this._pixiRenderer.height / 2 + 100;

    this._splashImage = new PIXI.Sprite.fromImage(gdjs.splashImage);
    this._splashImage.position.x = this._pixiRenderer.width / 2;
    this._splashImage.position.y = this._pixiRenderer.height / 2;
    this._splashImage.anchor.x = 0.5;
    this._splashImage.anchor.y = 0.5;
    this._splashImage.scale.x = this._pixiRenderer.width / 800;
    this._splashImage.scale.y = this._pixiRenderer.width / 800;

gdjs.LoadingScreenRenderer = gdjs.LoadingScreenPixiRenderer; //Register the class to let the engine use it.

gdjs.LoadingScreenPixiRenderer.prototype.render = function(percent) {
  if (!this._pixiRenderer) {

  var screenBorder = 10;

  if (this._madeWithText) {
    this._madeWithText.position.x =
      this._pixiRenderer.width / 2 - this._madeWithText.width / 2;
    this._madeWithText.position.y =
      this._pixiRenderer.height / 2 -
      this._splashImage.height / 2 -
      this._madeWithText.height -
  if (this._websiteText) {
    this._websiteText.position.x =
      this._pixiRenderer.width - this._websiteText.width - screenBorder;
    this._websiteText.position.y =
      this._pixiRenderer.height - this._websiteText.height - screenBorder;

  this._progressText.text = percent + '%';
  this._progressText.position.x = screenBorder;
  this._progressText.position.y =
    this._pixiRenderer.height - this._progressText.height - screenBorder;


gdjs.LoadingScreenPixiRenderer.prototype.unload = function() {
  // Nothing to do

i would help but i dont know how to code so