Improving GDevelop usability

hi im a little lazy so i didnt copy the text and … in here
a few days ago i creat a topic about the things that they can be in gdvelop and some bugs i think i will put the link of the topic down here to just be sure that u will see it :slightly_smiling_face:
you can read the FEATURE and BUG

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Please consider adding multiple selection to the object list, so more than one object can be copypasted at a time :slight_smile:

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I am a frequent Gdevelop user and i think its a great app but i kind of have a little problem…
Whenever i open an interface such as the editor for animation, I tend to setup all the various character actions such as idle, jump, fall etc. all at once including hit boxes and points so that i wont have to do them one at a time…During this process if I accidentally click outside the window it closes and I loose all work done and I have to start all over, due to this little issue i have had to change my timetable several times… It will be nice if one of the future updates would have a way to fix this issue Thank You…
P.S this issue applies to all other interfaces too


But I sometimes use this to exit quickly and dismiss the changes. So, what is an issue for you is a feature for me.

We might need some “smart” way of checking if some work was done in the dialog, and add a confirmation dialog if that’s the case?


I agree with this. I lost so much time due to this.
In the animation window and more so in the global variable window (mostly by missing the scrollbar down). I use the scrollbar because I have lots of Gvars and the wheel is annoingly slow

This idea have been discuss a while ago… (a year or more)

The thing for that you call a fix is a feature.

Confirmation dialog boxes break the immersion and fluidity in the application.
The edit window is already a dialog box… add a confirmation over another one, it looks like a habit from 15 years ago on a bad OS.

If you miss click you have to be more precise with your mouse and all change need to be done with your complete attention relative to what you trying to do.

The mousewheel allow to scroll in you list.
About the scollbar:
The scrollbar is moreover an element that becomes more and more useless, it remains and must always be visible to indicate a large area to scroll.
But its manual use is almost obsolete. Even more so with the age of touch.
The only people I see still using the scrollbar with the mouse are people 40 years old and older.
Your mouse has a scroll wheel, your keyboard has PageUp/PageDown

The fast iterating is a great thing, i’am not agree for destroy it because some users are not attentive.

As @Gruk said this is a feature, and this is the best thing to avoid a confirmation box and a great point for fast iteration.

A confirmation box is fine only when an action of the software is unrecoverable.
Like converting an object to a global object, same for groups, and when you want to close the application.

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Hmmm…I would say losing any/all changes to a sprite or another object is something I consider unrecoverable. Especially because many sub-windows are larger than their parent windows. (e.g. Piskel is much wider than the sprite object window, so if you accidentally double click save and close the piskel window, it could be picked up as clicking outside of the sprite object window).

I wonder if there could be an IDE option for “Request confirmaiton when clicking outside of a window to close” (disabled by default).

I know I’d use it.


Remapping the exit command to right click would satisfy both groups I assume

Something I’ve noticed is that the collisions editor isn’t very user friendly (for me at least). It’s hard to work with and I think it would be a lot easier to use if there was an option for a dynamic collision mask (not counting empty pixels as collisions), which would make it a lot easier for beginners to make platformer maps use a lot less objects which could improve performance for some users.

Just noticed this thread, accidentally posted it in another thread.

In the “find and replace” function, it works fine except for replacing whatever object is specified in "For Each Object.

Yes, I reported this issue already.
It also doesn’t work with other types, read here for more details: Text in event groups is not replaced · Issue #1716 · 4ian/GDevelop · GitHub

I don’t know if I am late, but I have a request. Improve resource management in GDevelop. I recently found a a bug where if you overwrite a file, it is not reflected in GDevelop. I tried to delete the resource from GDevelop, change the file path, (I am not sure if deleting the file and adding it again will work, most likely not), nothing worked. You can only reset it by making another file and adding it to GDevelop. This can be a nightmare for resource management. Maybe like “update file data” in the resource manager.

Another one is GDevelop able to delete unused file from project folder (Not only from GDevelop). As, it can be hard to find out which files are used and not used, it will be great if GDevelop did that by itself or atleast when the dev requests it to.

One more, putting files in folders according to file type. This is a small one, but can improve managing the files. GDevelop will sort files by image, font, audio, into different folders. It can be done by the dev, but it can get hard if it is a large project.

In my opinion, this can improve the usability of GDevelop when doing a large project or even small ones.

Thanks for reading

To update the image preview restart gd., and the changes in sprites are visible

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Just to clarify, this is doable today. Open the resource manager window in your project, right click anywhere on the right bar, and choose the remove unused items options.

That will remove it from your GDevelop project files (not your folder). If you want to remove it from your folder, use the “Save As” function for your project and save to another folder. Only resources listed in your resource list will be stored in the new folder, and you can then delete the old one.


It would be cool to be able to sort the debugger list by ms time taking to execute.

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Here few ideas on this mockup.

  • Icons for the viewport in the viewport (icons and UI come from Blender)

    • The lens is for zoom, it can work like Blender click and drag and drop the mouse, the camera zoom. The distance from the icon is the level of zoom.
      We can keep the old menu with right click.

    • The hand is for moving the camera in the view port, this replace the limited blue slider on top and left of the editor. (Currently limited to -5609 on X and Y), the button use the distance from the button to the mouse on both axes for move the camera.

    • Visibility panel, allow to hide and lock the selection by types of objects on the scene editor.

    • Camera icon, is for toggle the mask of the camera with left click

    • Grid icon, is for toggle the grid with left click, and right click open a small popup with options for cell dimensions and incoming isometric button.

    • Next icon on right, is for toggle the collision mask on visible objects.

    • Next icon on right is for toggle the points of visible objects. Right click open a popup for options, toggle the custom name, toggle the origins and the centers points.

  • In the object list

    • Folder is a folder ¯_(ツ)_/¯ (only for manage your project)

    • Bridge have a new icon on right, it is for prefab/extension object, it can be an object made in an extension. Read more on prefab/extension object.

    • The context menu have icons! Are you always looking for the most common buttons, because depending on the menu the button changes its place? Icons are more instinctive and faster than reading the whole list!

  • Properties panel

    • A properties panel should be show to you the properties right? When why not make the behaviors properties editable on this panel?


Nice, hopefully tiled isometric map support gonna follow.

Huge yes on this. This is something that I’ve found incredibly useful on other engines, and would make using behaviours much easier.

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Also very exciting seeing this concept being given serious thought.