[Old method] How Do I Make An Executable File For Windows?

I just tested “yarn run build”, it won’t run. I believe it should be:

“yarn electron-builder build .” (without quotes).

edit: Electron-builder appears to have also added some more modules, the installer has increased to about +10 meg in size. I hope they don’t go nuts like electron-packager. fingers crossed

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For some reason, the “yarn run build” is working for me, but I tested the “yarn electron-builder build” command which works and is better in my opinion, since it calls electron builder explicitly. Thanks for the suggestion :slight_smile:

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When ever I enter the words “npx build .” (i typed it without quotes btw), it produces these errors:

npm ERR! could not determine executable to run

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! C:\Users\passi\AppData\Local\npm-cache_logs\2021-03-13T20_51_18_013Z-debug.log

This maybe helps you, take a look there is a simple guide to achive a Windows build

Hello! Ulises post above is correct. This thread is old info.

In general, please don’t bump two year old threads. If you have something similar to this instance in the future, rather than bump a stale post over 12 months old, I would recommend making a new post that links or references the original.

Closing this thread out since it is no longer relevant.

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