Hello there everybody!

I normally introduce myself with “Hey there guys, Spexxy here!”, but that’s my YouTube introduction…

So let’s try it another way…

I’m Spexxy, pleased to make your acquaintance, I have had some communication with a couple of you already and been reading through the forums and I have to say that this community seems to be a very welcoming, very helpful and very knowledgeable one, which is lucky for me because this is the very first time I have attempted to make a game.

I have found the whole experience to be rather enjoyable, surprisingly therapeutic, if somewhat frustrating at times…lol

And GDevelop5 suits me well, as I have zero coding skill, so the IF/THEN kinda approach, with events and objects, conditions and actions is very intuitive and I seem to be taking to it rather well.

When I’m not making games, I’m making video content for YouTube, drawing and painting, spending time with my family, playing games… obviously!

And sometimes I go to work, though I have just been made redundant, so not at the moment!

If you’d like to check out my current project, ‘Mando-Vania’, then you can find a video of it in action here: Mando-Vania - What if The Mandalorian was an 8-bit videogame? - YouTube

You can check out my retro gaming channel ‘RetroSpexx’:

Or my more modern style, indie game channel: ‘Spexxy’:

And see regular updates on my Twitter here:

Hopefully I will get to speak with many more of you and share some of our love for games and creating.

C’ya soon… Bye for now!