GDevelop 2021 users survey

:wave: We’re running a survey for GDevelop users: take 2 minute to complete it and tell us who you are, what you are using GDevelop for, your pain points and your dreams for features to be added in GDevelop!
It’s here:


I would, but I don’t have a Google account

You should be able to do it now :slight_smile:

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Input fields
In‑App Purchase
Object folders
Atlas files
Delay Events
HTML5 export as zip

Don’t start a second instance of GD always with the default preferences.

Save the last one or allow to define a default html5 export path and folder name. bc choose folder, always starts in the last used asset folder. (we had the same problem in the other direction. if you want to add a sprite, it opens the path of the last game export. but this part you fixed a few months ago)