Creating buttons with animations

You don’t seem to understand variables properly, I’ve tried to explain what the problem is but you’re not quite understanding it yet. Try studying more about variables. What you are trying to achieve can be done easily if you understand variables better.

So what is it that I dont understand and what is your easy solution to the problem?

You don’t seem to understand that because the MoneyScore variable number is much higher than the number of the MoneyScore variables in your events, it’s the source of the problem. One solution would be to have an alternative variable associated to the Upgrade. If you study up on variables or watch some tutorial videos you’ll get it eventually. (It took me a while too).

The point is, it still needs to work when it is higher.

The MoneyScore represents all the money in the game collected so far.

It can easily exceed the needed values necessary to buy the upgrades represented in the animations from button 1. So when there is plenty of money, it should still be possible to buy each of them seperately.

There are more buttons with more expensive tiers of upgrades, associated with their animations.

One thing about your code, I don’t think you need those left mouses to be sub events. Try moving them to normal events and see if that does anything. Also make sure you have trigger once and left mouse released instead of left mouse down on both those events.