Cosmorphosis My first game

Hi all.

I have finished my first game in Gdevelop.

Is about touching aliens on the screen and morph them. Is just a simple game for kids.

You can play it here. The page is not public yet.

I’m trying to upload it to Android PlayStore but they are rejecting the automatic APK generated by Gdevelop. I’ll have to fight with Cordova.

Thanks to all that had help me with this game.



I like the design of your alien astronauts ^^
The game is catchy!

Loved the 3d animations

I like the graphic and the game is really funny.
PS: The whell Start button is ok for me but I think that the Stop button can be removed and replaced with a timer to make it stop in my opinion.
Good work anyway :+1:

Thanks all for your comments.

I’m still fighting with Cordova to public Cosmorphosis in Android store.

And I’m fighting with to public my game too. They are not accepting it because has more than 500 files

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Hi Pablo
I adress you all my congratulations for your game.
Very good artworks and very addictif game!
Are the graphics from you?
Good continuation.

I made the game with a friend. He did the art and music and I gave them life :grin:

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And finally Cosmorphosis is on Gooble Play Store

And we are now in