Chat Fiction Games

Anyone tried to make a chat fiction game in this tool?
Like the popular mobile chat bubble games that are abundant.
Yarn is bundled with this tool and I looked at the text objects, and I think the right template would work.

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It is not easy to make online chat. This is beginning for your code, you also need to make it online and scroll system and juicy things.

It you need some explaining, write here.

He does not wants an online chat, but a fake messenger app like Chat to display stories, like those horror stories apps or simulacra or the parallax.

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“Anyone tried to make a chat fiction game in this tool?” I was thinking it “chat function” :sweat_smile:

Yes, and thanks arthuro55 for clarifying.
This is for a chat fiction series and app.
Yarn is bundled in Gdevelop…but where
The help files say:

javascript library called bondagejs. Yarn and that library follow a syntax that is similar to twine. It has a very easy to learn, but also very powerful syntax which can be used to create complex story events based on user choices

Stumped here!
How do I open a Yarn project. I can go to Yarn directly but i like the gdevelop functions.