Additional Keycodes like semicolon, comma, period, etc

I’m making a local multiplayer game with GDevelop where multiple players are on the same keyboard and I would like to be able to have one player use some keys that include semicolon, comma, period, etc.

I saw that they commented out the keycodes for these characters but why? :frowning:
I would like to think it’s not that hard to implement: keycode for comma is 188 for example, see

thanks for reading

oh so i realize semicolon is in there but how about the rest of the non alphanumeric keys like period, comma, slash, etc

Is there a way to add the command button like on mac?

There are 2 different “When key is pressed” conditions.

The first is a predefined list of commands (“Shift” “enter” etc). “Key Pressed”

The second lets you put whatever key you can type in it.“Key Pressed (Text Expression)”

The second would let you put semicolon/comma/period/etc as needed, and both conditions can be used interchangeably as needed. I believe that would cover your scenario?